Tap 👠
Hey kittens!🐱😆 today we went to the dentist 😐 it went good tho' 😆
I tried spicy Pringles 🔥😯 soo good 🙌 I'm tired 😴 last night my cat kept waking me up every time I would fall asleep 😂 at least she's cute 😂 -Kat ✈💕 ⭕⚫ Q: fav flavor pringles? 😄 A: ORI


Tap 👠 Hey kittens!🐱😆 today we went to the dentist 😐 it went good tho' 😆 I tried spicy Pringles 🔥😯 soo good 🙌 I'm tired 😴 last night my cat kept waking me up every time I would fall asleep 😂 at least she's cute 😂 -Kat ✈💕 ⭕⚫ Q: fav flavor pringles? 😄 A: ORI

45 0
A : sour cream and onion
A: sour cream or the OV
A: Original and sour cream and onion
this is beautiful!
I hate the dentist... I feel sorry for u
Aw I love cats
AOTD: I don't like Pringles....