I believe in you


I believe in you

13 0
can u meet me by the gate in the morning around 8:40-8:50
what gate
in the 6 grade area
? there are no gates
I mean the doors
why don't we meet in the library or on the bench outside the library
cuz I'm still finding my way in school😅
what's your name so we know that we find each other I'm Morgandy and well I have pics of my self on this account so u know what I look like I will be siting in the comfy chairs inside ok
my real name is Alexandra but I always wanted people to call me Kelly I love the name
you know adina (I probably spelled it wrong she has a account and is in your choir class) right
and your not ugly
mr.bell then yea
oh she also goes to Science with me
I gtg to bed see u tomorrow in the library at the comfy chairs DONT forget
ok 👍 if my brother doesn't fall asleep again
lol yell at him so he don't sleep in and when u wake up wake him up ok