Collage by unique_serenity


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unique I can't do this she mad at me and she going to tell me something and I really like him don't what to do
sorry but I'm not ok
ok I'm so sorry
I fell so betrayed because tomorrow was a day were we spend the day together and not anymore
who where u spouses to spent the day with
I don't
I don't know
Samantha that's who
I feel so betrayed because she was suppose to be my best friend but I was wronge
I did not know she can be so evil and ugly
with him I thought that he might be the one that I might stay with but Sam got in the way and know he is with someone and u both r my friends this happened last year I lost a lot of friends because we liked the same guy
you didn't really know her
I don't want this to ruin our friendship but look what happen to me and Sam when she got with him don't want the same thing to happen to us
what about Harley
I like Carlos and Harley Harley said no already
I'm going to try to get u with him
who Carlos or Connor
I really like Connor though
oh well the conversation is on
I tried with Connor it didn't work I will try to get u with Carlos or Harley
at least it's over๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ช
what's over
unique Harley said no already
what's over Cheyenne
the conversation cause i didn't want to interrup
math class
did u ask Carlos
I hate Samantha
me Carlos about what
not u
unique did u ask him
not yet
do it at the end of class
to who Carlos
or who
who are you talking to me or unique TOUR GETTING ME CONFUSED
I'm talking to Lena she is talking to me
oh ok
I hate Samantha Cheyenne because she forced Romero to break up with me
Ik you told me
and you were really mad
I'm so mad
you have insta
I have been betrayed
no insta y
unique I was talking about Carlos
cuz if you did I would txt you
bout what Cheyenne
bout what Lena
nun I just like texting PPLZ cuz idk y I just don't know
about u asking him out u said u wher
cause he said no
me asking out who wait what who me unique
why do you guys keep on getting me confused
I was talking to Lena
unique not u
me what about me
nothing Cheyenne
what u wanna talk about I'm bored