Had anyone else have someone in their life that you knew was bad for you but you let them in anyway?


Had anyone else have someone in their life that you knew was bad for you but you let them in anyway?

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yeah but they weren't negative....it's a very long story 😓
for me they treated me like a princess one day and like trash the other..😓
awww you poor little cinnamon roll
but It's all good I'm going to try to focus on my happiness for once and forget abt him
that's good moving on for me was the toughest thing ever because I fell in love with that person and it damaged my heart when we broke up but it's ok so far it's been 3 months and I am doing better I still have times when I think about them but it doesn't hurt me as much like how it did before
awww u poor thing 😢
I'm still in the trying to get over him phase 😓
awww look I will give you advice it's going to be pretty blunt 1.erase all the text messages y'all had 2.try not to think of him so often 3.try not to let him effect your happiness show him that you can be happy and show him that you came back better than before it's going to hurt a bit but you will feel happier once it's over and I know this advice sounds probably rude and I'm sorry about that but it's something that I Hs to learn the hard way and I don't want you to go through what I had to go through during the first day of the break up
awww and u weren't rude thts some of the best advice I have heard thank u soo much I'll try my best
ok I know you can overcome this!!♥️
ya I sure hope so and thank u😊
no problem •^-^•