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I know! I hate when people says oh "she's too young for me" or "he's too old for me" it literally annoys the heck out of me
Aw that's so cute! That made my day :)
I respect your opinion, but I personally think that age does matter, because people of different ages think a lot differently, and I just think it's better to date people close to your age. But I respect people's choices. That's really cute about your brother though :)
omg that's so sweet
thank you so much 😊 I'm glad you smiled
I know age don't matter the love dose apostolicgirl321 is 15 and I'm 11 we're dating we're in love not age
OMGGGGGGGGG THAT IS SO PRECIOUS!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ THIS IS AMAZING!! and props to ur baby bro 😂😂 getting all de ladies 😂😂