y’all should go follow me on picsart cuz why not 

what are your guys’ picsarts if you have them?


y’all should go follow me on picsart cuz why not what are your guys’ picsarts if you have them?

27 0
oh it’s connected to my gmail and it glitched the language setting to Japanese so I don’t even know😂😂😂
I think it’s by Troy Sivan?
re//: I'm 17 how old r u
omg it's Jessie Paege (I can't spell her last name)
rip I totally forgot about picsart; are all the people who've left piccollage on there now?
re//: plz if u don't mind to make me a icon and wow cool I remember being 14 lol
re//: thx heheh ➰
re//: yes I live in the USA I'm movin to up state New York
but I'm from South Carolina
re//: what bout u
I posted something for u
I'm so bored ughhh
I hope I'm not annoying u