Baaaabe don’t wanna b a bxtch and the post the pic but at the same time I dunno 😂😂


Baaaabe don’t wanna b a bxtch and the post the pic but at the same time I dunno 😂😂

6 0
ur so gorgeous
Fine just post it lol
I honestly dont really care if u post it lol
lol welll I mean that literally is the best pic ever 😂😁
Then post it
ugh requires effortttt
NO sshhiitt
smart assssss
me tryna sing Adele songs rn 😂😂
Lol i was listing to creed in the garage right after u left lol
loll good job
I drove the gmc then shocked myself on the damñ fence sooo 😂😂
babyyy I miss u already which probs isn’t good but oh well
Lol miss u to baby girl❤️❤️
😊❤️ baaaabe would u b alright if i died tomorrowwww
No y
cuz I gotta ride else 😐
Yea dont die
buuuuut I dunno she’s kinda cold back af rn soo ima die
I’ll tryyyyy not to tho
If u do ill be at ur funeral
goddd ur parents would b damñed happy if I died tho
don’t even deny it 😂
Well they might but i wont be happy
I mean if I come to school Monday not dealing with anyone’s shït i probs came off and don’t even wanna talk to anyone 😂 if I’m sore I’ll b a bxtch warning nowwww
See im the opisit if i hurt i just lay in bed and iin a lovely mood see thats me
wut would u do babe if u wanted to hang out and I showed up in like sweats and a T-shirt
like my giant aśssss sweats that r super comfy and yea 😂
hey that’s something I would do tho... just b lovey as hełlll and not wanna talk to anyone but like u and that’s it
I wouldnt care ill probs just assume u wanna do sshhiitt
well yea these r pretty loose... again feel weird without the spandex rn but oh well
Lol yee i mean once we get our owen house we could do that
Lol yea probs
yesss plz
ur reaction tho once u realized wut I was wearing lolll
Aye i was kinda co0nfused
I noticed lol
kinda funny lol I mean... hey they r pretty comfy tbh and lacy sooo 😆
LOL yee and aye i have a question
Yee i noticed it was lacy
lol yea babe?
So would u say ik how to have fun cause i need to seatle this argument wit my mom & dad
well yea lol I mean look at spring break for example 😆😁 sorryyy I have a rly dirty mind at the wrong time sometimes
Sometimes? more like ALL THE TIME LOLOLOL
lolll okie tru tru 😆
my mind is wayyy too dirty
baaabe im fat
Lol nah ur not
welll I just stashed m&ms in the pockets of my sweats sooo I think I’m fat 😂
Nah babe ur not fat
I feel fat 😂 lolll
I srsly still can’t get over how like warm u were tho like god I wanted to do shït at the same time tho I wanted to fall asleep on ur chest cuz yea lol
Yea i could tell u wanted to lol
I mean once we ger our own house u can fall asleep on my chest or we can cuddle every fxckin night
lol I probs would’ve tbh lol if we sat there for any longer 😆 then we started doing shït and we were gooood lol
ur rly warm it’s like not even fair godd lol
Well i mean i think its fair cause i only let u do that and theres a reason y ur always cold when im around
lol truuu if I’m cold around u I just kinda cuddle up and call it gooood
I like cuddling u like god it’s 👌🏻😆😁❤️
Lol yee another reason y we need to turn 18 sooner
yesss agreed... plus I’ll honestly have music on one day in the living room and u can laugh at me cuz I move hips I don’t have 😂
Nah baby u have hips
wellll sorta lol.. I mean when I’m listening to music at home some songs I’ll just start moving my hips cuzzz that’s all I can do lol but I have nothing so yea 😆
Nah baby u have hips and a really nice asssss
lol okie baaabe but I mean not in sweats at allll 😂 ik that for a fact
lol sure
like nothing in sweats at all 😂 kinda like spandex... nothingggg
Nah babe honestly ur asssss in spandexs its like dammmmmmm😍😍😍😍😍
lolll k babe k 😆😁 ugh wish we were cuddling rn tbh I mean I look like shït and tired as hełl buuut oh well 😆😊❤️
Well im always tired so yee aye baby ima go to bed❤️❤️ i wont be able to txt u till later tomorrow casuse i gtg to lewi lol night baby love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
okie yea ima ride tomorrow anyways sooo yea lol okie love u too babe ❤️❤️❤️ don’t die
Lol i wont ❤️❤️😍😍
lol okie ❤️❤️