Collage by s-sophie


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hugs help you know 😌❤️
*slips my arms round your neck and rests my head against your chest nodding* it's fine.. why what's happened?
*loosens up in your arms and sucks my bottom lip* I'm sorry I haven't been on... or here for you
*giggles scrunching up nose then nuzzles my face in your neck*
yeah.. but idk what as *hides my face away biting my lip a little*
*looks at you and ruffles your hair smiling kinda*
*shuts my eyes lightly blushing*
*bites my lip then looks at you and quickly kisses your lips then pulls away breathing against your cheek then whispers* I'm sorry
*wraps my legs tighter around your torso slowly starts kissing you again* I like you too
*straddles your waist and smirks pinning you down on the sofa* I'm nottt
*traces your lips before gently kissing your neck*
*sucks on it then starts trailing kisses down to your shoulder*
*blushes pushing your chest a little* shut upp *curls up on your lap resting my head against you*
*bites my lip and shuts my eyes*
*turns around to face you and whispers hugging my knees* aiden, you ok?
*rubs your cheek gently with my thumb* you can tell me, I won't laugh or anything
why?.. *looks at you confused and brings my knees to my chest hugging them*
I could tell they're was something weird abt 'her'
I have a feeling that Emily is Ryan, and a while back I rem some guy called Grayson and evrytime his relationships would fail he'd make a new acc under a new name and everyone would find out. then he took a long break and am pretty sure he was being 'Emily' and then when 'she' didn't get u he became 'Ryan' and got kitty I think her name is
he has a mother name too Cameron I think and a few others
*another name
ewww omg 😷