Hey Guys, I wanted to ask your opinion on something. What do you think?


Hey Guys, I wanted to ask your opinion on something. What do you think?

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If you don't want it to be, don't make it your main account just make it a side account and post every few days
I think that is fine. I understand what you mean and I know what you are thinking. You are a free independent person and can do whatever you would like. I think it is a good idea if you don't want your life to only be Harry Potter😊
thanks that means a lot to know I have support.
I'm getting older now and I'll ALWAYS love Harry Potter, but it's time to move on and showcase my talents to the world.
everyone please keep in touch with me on everything_
btw your name is so pretty
ok but that user is taken
I think its a great idea, I will follow you ALWAYS☺️, as long as you do the thing you love most.
do what feels right
I love Harry Potter and this account is so good
I will support you ALWAYS and this is a wise choice. I understand what you mean and it is reasonable. All I can say is…everything_ prepare to earn another follower Xx 😘
but I know what u mean by wanting to post other stuff
I will follow ur other account if u make it
I understand but I love this account plezzzzz still post!
I think that you should do both accounts but still post on both
Maybe change this account to stuff other than HP, but still post some HP quotes! On my account, I post a lot of different things, but I also post some HP quoted and stuff
it is your choice BUT.....................I WORSHIP this account sooo much you are just so good
Hey, I love this account! Ur my PC role model! My account name is Hermione_Eaton but don't just post HP or Divergent stuff! I would love to see what u can do but managing a couple of accounts is hard! I help manage around 5 accounts and I only really ever post on this one! I love ur account and would be fine with any choice u make! xoxo Hermione_Eaton😘
You can start posting nonPotter stuff on here! please stay, you're a PC role model of mine!
I agree with everyone else. I love your account and everything you post. I think, like everyone else, you should post other things than just Harry Potter... please don't delete this account!!!
Basically what Harry_Potter11 said, I post Harry Potter stuff and other things too! Post what u want, not just what u think others will like. Maybe u could keep this account and post other things or u could use the other acc as ur main and still post Harry potter and others too x
you were one of my first followers and i love your account but its your decision but you can do things other than hp on your account and i will follow you ALWAYS