11.3.22 Advice on collabs


11.3.22 Advice on collabs

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Any advice on collabs and things you have learnt as well
For me personally, I believe communication is the most important part. Your collage may not look how you wanted it to, but if you don't communicate with your collaboration partner, your collage could never reach that point of being post-worthy for you
Also, notice your strengths! If you're better at text, ask your partner if you can do the text! If you're better at bg, ask if you can do the bg! I promise you this will bring you better results for the both of you
Good luck! <3
For me what helps is if I think I am kind of busy I usually do text because it’s the easiest thing when your busy but if your not then I would do bg!
If you think your good at text or bg better then the other then ask your partner if you could do that or Communication with your partner helps a lot don't leave them hanging other wise they might just call it off.
I suggest you try and do what your most comfortable with when you do a collab wether it’s bg or text!! Hopefully this helps a little bit!!😊💞
honestly, my advice is this: if you don’t like collabs, DON’T DO THEM. it’s weird advice but I know people sometimes collab because they feel pressured or they don’t want to be rude, but if you seriously don’t want to collaborate, don’t! people are so kind on PC and I promise none of them will dislike you. i for one, am a complete control freak and I don’t do collaborations because I KNOW that no matter how good it looks I will always think “maybe if I had control over this part, it would look better to me.”
so I don’t do collabs, and we’re all happier for it 😌