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Hello mister I’m racer x I love ur hair it’s so curly hehe
Thx u sir ur very handsome ☺️ how is ur day so far?
Mines been ok *smiles* when did u get ur tats?
*looks up at u* did it hurt much?
Really? I always wanted to get one…but I’m scared it will hurt *blushes*
Sure! If ur there I won’t be as scared *smiles*
Ok *giggles excitedly and grabs ur hand*
*follows u* What kind should I get? I was thinking a rose or something
Or both *smiles* both would look cool
Thx handsome *smiles and swings our hands while we walk*
*bites my lip and looks down* so…do u know a good place to get the tat done?
*jumps on ur back* ok! but I claim a piggy back ride hehe
Yay! *hangs on laughing*
*squeaks and wraps my arms around ur neck* don’t drop me!
I trust ya…I just hxte heights and ur so tall hehe
*pouts* don’t rub it in big guy *chuckles*
*smiles and slides off ur back* is that the tat parlor?