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I am, but I hide it very well. even most vampires can't tell I'm one.
the only way they can tell is if 1: my attitude changes. 2: my teeth get ever more sharp than they already are. or 3: my eyes turn from brown to red.
cool looks like I found a new vampire friend
heh. yeah... *smiles softly, but it fades*
what's wrong
I need to feed... I haven't had any blood for a while... and it's really starting to get to me... *is looking down, chewing on my tongue*
how long has it been since you last feed
to be honest... I'm not sure when the last time I fed was..... I kinda lost track.....
oh that's not good
no...it's not... *bites my cheek and winces*
you need to feed now
*nods, still biting my cheek*
how about you have some of mine * shows you her wrist*
*eyes widen, the smell of blood overwhelming my system, but fights the urge* n-no...I couldn't...
it's ok go on
you still there
*needing the blood takes over my system and I bite your wrist*
*feeds until I don't need anymore* *pulls away, feeling bad* Thanks.... and I'm sorry if I hurt you...
I forgive you and do you know what will happen if you don't feed at least once a week
*looks at you* no...
if you don't feed at least once a week you will become a level e
do you know what a level e is
no...unfortunately.... *looks down*
well if you keep going on without blood you will fall into darkness and your human mind will disappear and you will become a monster
*tenses up and looks at the ground* ....
what's wrong you scared don't worry
I can't remember the last I fed...well...before tonight.... so... wait... *looks up* I didn't fall into the darkness, my human mind didn't disappear, and I didn't become a monster....
well you did take quite a bit more than I thought you would
*looks down, feeling bad* sorry....
don't worry I'll be fine * feeling dizzy * I guess you took more than I thought
*tenses up, closes her eyes, and raises my wrist to your mouth* here.... take what you need.... I can't have my friends in danger because of me...
* looks down * no I'm...I'm fine
please.... just do it....
* pushes your wrist away * I'm not going to bite you
*opens my eyes and looks at you* but....
*sighs and looks away* never mind...
no something is wrong now come on
there's nothing wrong... I'm fine....I'm just worried about you...
you don't have to worry about me * gets up and falls on the ground
*helps you up* are you sure about that?
well I'm not sure now but I'm still not going to bite you
I had a feeling you were gonna say that...
* laughs *
*smiles softly, my fangs showing slightly*
um your fangs are showing
*stops smiling* sorry...
it's ok well I better go feed
* stand up and falls
*helps you again* maybe...I should go with you...
I'm going to sleep now goodnight
(good morning)
good morning how are you
I'm alright, better now that I was able to feed...but I still feel bad about it.... *looks away*
I told you that it's ok
I know....but still... that's not the point...
what do you mean
*shakes my head* Never mind.
come on you can tell me anything
I just...it just doesn't feel right...biting a friend....and feeding from them...I just don't like doing it....but at times....like yesterday....I couldn't help it....
you know what what you did showed me that you really are my friend
*looks up* What do you mean?
biting someone is how vampire girls show you that you are there friends
yes really
oh... I... didn't know...
well I'm glad you are my friend
*smiles* me to
* stomach starts growling * I'm hungry
*laughs* I know that one. *stomach growls* I'm always hungry!
you want to go hunting with me
*smiles* Sure! I'd love to!
ok um can you fly
uh... no.... that's one of many abilities I have not obtained
I guess you haven't gotten your full powers yet
I guess not... *looks away* Sorry...
don't be I'll just feed later
you sure..?
yah even though I haven't feed yet
no...you should go feed.... I'll be fine. *smiles*
nope I'm not going anywhere * stomach growls *
*frowns* you need to feed. go
I'm fine * my eyes turn red * don't worry about me
but I still want you to go feed, if not. bite me.
what's wrong
nothing. except I want you to feed. *holds up my wrist* go ahead
* gasps * are...are you sure your
*nods* go ahead.
I....I don't know what to say
you don't need to say anything. just bite.
ok but I'm going to tell you that this might hurt a bit
* as you bite you begin to feel better as you drink her blood *
*winces slightly, but that's about it*
*when you are done you smile *
thank you
*nods* of course...
I'm sorry did it hurt much
it hurt a bit... but not much.
well I guess I should go get you some blood unless you want my blood again
no...I think that getting some other blood would be better
* shows her your wrist * well at least have a little bit
*bites my lip and shakes my head*
cmon you know you want some here * gives you my wrist *
*pushes your wrist away* no... I think it'd be better to go feed.... *walks away* ..... *is looking at the ground, feeling bad*
you are just like me you know that
stubborn? I know I'm stubborn at points in time....
also you are lonely
*tenses up, not looking up or saying anything* .....
don't worry remember that we vampire girls got to stick together
*sits down, sighing as I do*
*gives her your wrist again * cmon I'm not going to stop
*doesn't do anything* I'm just gonna continue to refuse.
and I'm just gonna keep offering you my blood so you might as well go on and feed
* gives her your wrist *
*pushes your wrist away, again* no...
cmon as friends remember what I said about vampire girls
I know... but still... like I said...I don't like biting my friends...
I know but it's not just that when we bite each other we grow bonds and we also grow stronger
*sighs and rests my head on my hand, which is resting on my knee*
cmon talk to me
what's on your mind
I just... I don't know anymore....
what do you mean
*closes my eyes* at times....I wish I were fully human again... but others....I don't know what I want....
well that's how you know that you haven't fallen to level e
*keeps my eyes closed* yeah...that's true...
you don't have to worry as long as you feel like that you'll never fall to level e
*opens my eyes and sighs* I just....don't know how to feel anymore...
you know what you need
*holds my stomach as it starts to growl*
yep * gives her your wrist * that's right
*closes her eyes and tries to fight the need to feed, but can't as the smell from your blood takes over my system, again* *bites your wrist*
* doesn't move at all * that's right it's ok * starts to pat your head *
*I snap and attack you* *my eyes are blood red, my fangs are sharp, and I am completely pale*
cmon snap out of it
you don't know what your doing
*i snap out of it* omg.... *backs away, looking scared and worried* omg.... *is shaking* I'm sorry! *runs away*
hay don't worry I'm fine cmon let's talk about it
*keeps running* *muttering* I can't believe this! I just attacked my friend...!
*runs to the woods and hides in a tree*
why are you trying to hide from me i know your in that tree now cmon let's talk
*shakes my head and refuses to come down*
ok you don't have to come down but let's still talk
*has my head buried in my arms* no!
* starts to climb up the tree *
*doesn't notice*
* sits down on another branch of the tree * you know what this reminds me of a story would you like to hear it
*looks up slightly, tears rolling down my cheeks* s-sure...
a long long time ago there was a young girl who felt the same way your feeling right now. one day she found herself trapped inside a coffin she cried and screamed for
what felt like forever until finally someone came to save her and then I a attack the man who rescued me I had to shortly after I returned home I was sent to an old town far away
everyday someone would come to bring me food and everyday I attacked whoever came
until one day I ran away but when I got home my family had moved away so I went looking for them
and I looked for a very long time
*looks down* .....
what's wrong
*shakes my head, not wanting to reply* ..... *thinks: why is she telling me this..? especially after I attacked her...?)
because I'm still your friend
*looks up* y-you...heard me..?
no I can read minds
don't worry I'm fine cmon down
*sighs and nods* ....fine...
you okay
*nods as I jump down from the tree*
I'm glad you came through and see your fine and so am I
see your no level e
yeah... I guess not...
cmon how about a hug
*tenses up slightly and looks down* .....
cmon let's hug you'll feel better
what's wrong
I don't want to attack you again...
I'm fine cmon let's hug please
...I just....i don't know....
you won't
you don't have to worry I'm going to help you
I have to go ttyl
you okay
yeah... I'll be fine...
you sure
ok well you want to hug
*takes a deep breath* yeah
* hugs her * see don't you feel better
*hugs back, feeling a little better* a bit...
I'm glad you feel better
*smiles slightly*
* your stomach starts growling * I'm hungry
I am to...
well how about we go get something to eat
*nods* okay
hay it's ok remember we're in this together
*nods again* I know. and thanks for helping me through this...
no problem we're friends
*smiles* yeah...
there's that smile
I love it when my friends smile
*smiles again*
* smiles to *
shall we go get something to eat?
yah you're right let's go
* sees that there is no one around * where is everyone
*looks around* I...don't know...
it's like a ghost town
yeah... *looks at the sky then tenses up* I think I know why... the solar eclipse...
um I don't understand
a lot of people believe that if you're outside when the solar eclipse happens, you will be cursed. so a lot of people go inside a house or a building to stay out of the little bit of rays from the sun that there are.
oh what kind of curse
that...I'm not sure of...
oh ok well what should we do
I have to go
I'm back
should we go back to your place
I guess...
ok let's go you okay
yeah... *stomach growls and my eyes start to turn red* *looks down* I think I need to feed soon...but not off of you...
well until the eclipse is over we won't be able to feed
I know... *clenches my fist slightly and looks up at the sky* it soon be over soon...
ow ow ow you are squeezing my hand to hard
*tenses up and let's go of your hand* sorry..!
ow your really strong
when is the eclipse going to be over
sorry... I guess I don't know my own strength.... and... *looks at the sky again* it's ending now...
*nods as people start to come out of the houses and buildings around us*
finally I'm so hungry * stomach growls *
same here. *looks around at the people and my eyes go full red* *cant help it and attacks someone, feeding from them*
* can't help it either and pulls them both out of sight and feeds to*
*takes all of their blood and let's go of their lifeless body*
I'm so full
hey you okay
*turns and looks at you, my eyes still red* yeah..?
(sorry, I was talking to my parents about school....)
(I was asleep....)
oh um your eyes are still red
*looks down* oh...
(I'll brb. I have to go to school)
(sorry. I was at school. and I was talking with my mom)
ok well how are you
good, now that I've been feeding again. *smiles*
I haven't feed like that in a long time * looks at the body * um what are we going to do about that
*looks at the body* I don't know...
* hears someone coming * we better get out of here
*turns to face the person, it becoming to late for me to run* *whispers to you* act like a human. pretend that you just found me yourself.
*the person happens to be a small child* *the child screams, when she sees my fangs*
Child: please! don't eat me! me: what do you mean? eat you? *bends down* I am not gonna eat you.
me:hi I'm Lilith what's your name
Child: A-Angela... *is scared because of me* me: I'm Octavia. it's nice to meet you, Angela. Angela: *doesn't match my gaze*
me:don't worry we won't hurt you
Angela: What do you mean, we? *hasn't seen your fangs, has only seen Octavia's*
me:oh um hehe nothing
Angela: are...are you friends with a vampire? Octavia: Well... sometimes we have to make friends with the humans. I mean, we are around them all the time.
me: so can you please keep this secret
Angela: uh... *looks at Octavia, relaxing* Yes!
me: thank you
Angela: *nods* I want you both to come meet my mommy and daddy! *grabs our hands and starts leading us out to the street* Octavia: *tenses up slightly*
me : we can't
Angela: huh? *lets go of our hands* Why not? Octavia: *my eyes turn red again, I close them, and puts my hand on my head* I can't...attack...again.... *is trying to fight the urge*
me : umm she's not feeling good
Angela: Is there anyway I can help? Octavia: *backs away from Angela, bumping into you*
me: no we need to get going bye
Angela: oh... *looks down* ok... Well. *looks up* I hope you feel better! Octavia: *starts breathing a bit heavily from trying to fight the urge* Angela: *runs off*
you need to learn to control your hunger
*opens my eyes, as I bite my lip* I know...
well I'm glad you were able to control it with the kid here
yeah, but that was definitely difficult....
well at least you don't have to worry about him telling everyone about you and me
No kidding... she didn't even suspect that you're a vampire
well I have been living with them for a long time
how old are you
in human years..?
I'll be 15 in May
cool what about in vampire years
hmm... i never thought it...I've gotten so used to saying it in human years, i guess I kinda forgot... heheh... *smiles nervously*
you want to know how old I am in vampire years
I'm 273 years old in vampire years
I'm guessing that is... 27? in human years..?
nope I'm 17 in human years
oh... heh...
so what do you think we should do about the body
I have no idea...
we can throw it in the lake
I guess...
*starts to drag the body to the lake
*helps you and throws it in*
well now what
let's get out of here
(I'm in class)
you still hungry
a bit...
what how can you still be hungry
heheh... I have a big apatite
yah you do
I've never met a vampire with such a big apatite
that would be the human side of me....
so how long have you been a vampire
not long for being one...in human years that is... only a few years...
and you haven't learned how to control your hunger
no...I've been...hiding... trying not to be around people much...plus I had no idea that there were other vampires around....so...
of course there are other vampires I mean how did you become a vampire
one...my teeth became sharper than normal... and two...being able to smell blood as well as I can...where as before...I couldn't really smell it unless I got a bloody nose...
that doesn't make sense ether you are bitten by a vampire or born a vampire
*shrugs* who knows...
I'll have to go look at my books and see what i can find
well let's go home
you want to help me look through my books
uh...sure. but Im not sure what I'm looking for
well I'm not sure ether just look for what you told me
okay... *starts looking through the books*
I can't find anything
I'm not finding anything either...
I'm not sure how we can find out why
*sighs* well...I guess it's just a mystery....much like other things in life...
yah I guess your right
*closes the book I was looking through and sets it down beside me*
I really thought we could find something
so did I
you want some of my blood *shows neck *
huh...? no... I'm fine...
ok well you know I'm your friend and your food when you need to
*closes my eyes and smiles softly* thanks... *opens them again*