Three girls single and José is taken


Three girls single and José is taken

29 69
Selena I feel you about that girl bring rude she said I was ugly and shixt but she is just a hater I wanna punch her 👊🏻
I can handle this for you when she come back and do it to you again tell me because I will beat the shît out of her and you not ugly you are gorgeous
aw thx for ur help
np girly
nah it's cool he just asked me out just now
AWWW!! why??
I'm dating someone 😃😃
ouuuu who?
can u like my last post,thxs
Wym your single haylee
Jasmine, what happened with Andrew and your kids Preston, and the others? Remember? Please remix me I need to talk to u //Katlyn//
Haylee please 😍😍