Collage by AMY_PRETTY


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page 5 of among us is out!!
thanks Amy for that comment on my post she was rlly bothering me
she’s annoying she literally just cam on here and already talking about people
she’s such a hoe
she always been
if somebody comment s*** on your post plz tell cause I will lose my s*** and go off on them just say som that will hurt there feelings that’s how they leave alone
cause they realize u to powerful for them and then move on to the next like who talks about people these days I know if somebody talk bout we fighting I never let a hoe put me second if I was put on this earth to be someone blessing
LOL will do girly I’ll just have you as my body guard haha 🤣🤣
ok that’s fine wit me lol
ur so ugly girleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee