I'm back!🌚🌚 I was going to post some bomb Òss selfies I took but then I got shy ><


I'm back!🌚🌚 I was going to post some bomb Òss selfies I took but then I got shy ><

61 1
thx Amber
me missed chuπŸ’•!
I wanna seedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
same, lorena, i wanna seed too
is that Sawako in your profile? 030
@crowbbysakura: I don't think so...? It could be but I don't think it is β€’~β€’
I'll post them later if ya really want to see them -3-
and idk, there's way too many black, long haired anime girls to know for sure
OH, OK THEN πŸ‘€πŸ‘Œ that's not even how I look like but da pic was cute so eyyyy
i sorta remember what you look like bc once upon a time I was stalking Amber and happened to find a picture of you .3.
Glad to be back~
@crowbbysakura: God dΓ‘m it Amber. well it's not a secret now but still. Showing your face is like an event on its own
You should post them! ><
I will! I just lose my nerve at the last minute...
Ah don't worry you're super gorgeous anyways🌸
aah welcome back and tysm! and you should definitely post them! πŸ‘€βœ¨
it's been done... (;._. ) no problemo~!