Hey! What's the 411? OMG I'm such a mom. Well I hope you like this because I don't. πŸ˜‚ I want peanut butter bye
Rate 1-10 😘


πŸ’—TAP HEREπŸ’— Hey! What's the 411? OMG I'm such a mom. Well I hope you like this because I don't. πŸ˜‚ I want peanut butter bye Rate 1-10 😘

144 0
10:) I really love this themeπŸ‘
go ahead and take it hahahaπŸ˜‚πŸ’— and Marina is a babe omf
cool edit bruh
I take that as a compliment. ain't nobody seen a spud like me before good lord
and I'm actually drawing my own version of that but in a completely different style but with the same stuff around it. I don't think I can enter something with someone else's art on it which is why I'm remaking it in real life currently πŸ‘’πŸ‘ 
wut am I the πŸ’ or idk I am confused and tired ahhh
NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU why u do dis why
initially I read squash and Spanish and had a wee giggle
haha imagine a Spanish evil laugh πŸ˜‚
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