Check comments for spoiler review! 💫


Check comments for spoiler review! 💫

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SPOILER REVIEW: Okay, so first of all I did call that Eikko would win. He is my favorite and ever since the fight scene in the kitchen, I knew he was endgame. OMG and when Henri was like 'You being together. I make your cake!' I was laughing and crying at the same time. I did feel that the Eadrik relationship was very rushed. They literally kissed twice, and then she proposed. ONLY TWICE! It didn't necessarily feel forced, but it felt like it went to fast. All of a sudden she was just like 'Oh Erik. I can't stop thinking of you. We are SOULMATES!!' and it was weird. I thought that all of the relationships weren't particularly well developed but I loved Erik so much that I didn't really care. Comment with your thoughts! I can't wait to hear!! 💍
Honestly I think The Heir and The Crown could have been one book.