


13 0
Sorry baby
you continueing the RP...? (Sorry if I sound rude or anything)
Sky: Hey beautiful
Harley:hey sexy
Sky: Hehe how r u
Harley:I'm okay how are you
Sky: I’m happy
Harley: yay! :D
Sky: *Kisses u*
Harley:*kisses back*
Sky: I love you so much baby
Harley:hehe I love you too baby girl
Sky: You better
Sky: *Snuggles u*
Harley:*smiles and snuggles back* ugh your so frigin cute
Sky: Nuuu
Sky: -3-
Sky: 😍
Sky: Ur the best
Harley:aw you are to babe
Sky: Heh
Harley:hehe *holds you tight*
Sky: I can’t wait to met you when we grow up
Harley:hehe what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to meet my girlfriend irl
Harley:I can't wait either
Sky: That’s what I meant irl XD
Harley: πŸ˜„πŸ˜˜
Sky: I love u
Harley:I love you too sky
Harley: eh?! how am I supposed to top that?!?!?!
Sky: Your not supposed to
Harley: but-but I really love you and now I can't top that
Sky: *Giggles*
Harley:*smiles and hugs you*
Sky: *Hugs back*
Sky: Oh wow
Harley: hehe yup
Sky: ...
Sky: Eh
Harley:what's wrong
Sky: I hate school I hate being alive in this dumb world
Harley:oh okay...
Sky: I’m sorry baby....
Harley:just please stay *hugs*
Sky: I’ll try
Sky, Please don't leave. You are special.
Harley:*hugs tighter* okay thank you
Remember that happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Sky: ....
Sky: U like someone else
Sky: Your lying
no she doesn't Sky! You should count yourself lucky to have her!
She does not like anyone else, love anyone else.
Sky: I thought she liked you because you like her....
Harley: why on earth would I lie to you?! I love you not anyone else! okay my dog but only you and my dog no one else
Sky: *Frowns*
listen I like her. Actually I have a crush in her but I asked her and she said that she REALLY loved you.
Sky: I feel bad now
Sky: But I got sad because I thought she loved you more than me
Harley: nope only love you and my child (dog)
hehe my puppy's playing with a bat she's so frigin cute
I'm not sure I'm gonna give her a bit then check in on her
*Hugs u* I’m so sorry
*hugs back* for what baby