Someone😂 comment and start a deep convo about anything maybe about the universe💫 the stars⭐️ how the world came to be.. If you do I'll love you forever😂😂


Someone😂 comment and start a deep convo about anything maybe about the universe💫 the stars⭐️ how the world came to be.. If you do I'll love you forever😂😂

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your super pretty💘
@Addison Yes sometimes when I think about it. Like really we can't be the only life source in our universe💫
@Chris That's a good question. idk maybe. do you??
@Addison I think so and I'd die to meet one tbh.
@Addison Like sometimes I just stare at the stars cause you're literally looking billions of years in the past. It's soooo interesting
@Addison what about the earth, any thoughts?
@Chris Babes J😂😂
body goals😍💖
@Addison Omg the ocean yes girl, I freakingg love the sea
@Chris I'm glad you're feeling better
body goals😻😍