


18 0
I feel okay to talk.
if you want to.
Do you want me to hold you
*Holds you close*
She looked awful.
I cried
So skinny.
*Holds your hand* Plz eat
Why'd you cry?
You're sad
I'm going to miss her a lot.
*Holds you closer*
I'll probably cry at school tomorrow.
*Hugs* Sorry.
Keely, I k what it feels like to lose someone by cancer
I didn't tell you that the reason why Alana killed herself was because she had cancer
I fxcking hate cancer
Let's change the topic.
Yea *Hugs*
*Hugs tightly*
I wish I could take the day off school tomorrow.
Ask you're mom
I don't think she's gonna let me.
If I was there, I would demand your mom to let you stay home
She's letting me take the day off.
What does your school look like
What do you mean?
Two stories or one
Three floors.
Well there's the bottom floor, middle, 2nd middle and top.
Mine is just one
If my school was two or three floors I'll try to act like batman
Your school seems very small. (I'm gonna go to bed early tonight)
What time will you be on, I wanna give you your love song
Probably whenever you're awake.
I plan on stay up all night
Oh I'm not sure then.
Will we talk tomorrow
I wrote you a song that might help you feel better
I wanna make you happy
Yes. Thanks, baby.
*Hugs* I'm going to go to bed now.
*Hugs* Ok wife
Goodnight, my Princess <3 <3
*Kisses back* Ily