Yo it's also the anniversary of Stressed Out imma go sleep and cry over Phan night guys


Yo it's also the anniversary of Stressed Out imma go sleep and cry over Phan night guys

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(About what you said about the self harm stuff) I agree. My brother was attention seeking, but even though he did want help, he blamed other's for not noticing what he didn't tell them. I've been pîssed at his past suicidal rage ever since he blamed it on mom and dad, and I told mom that I didn't even really believe he was suicidal, but she said that he had grabbed a knife in front of her, and not I loathe him even more. THAT'S fûcking attention seeking. He's the kind of person that makes me hide about my struggles. So is Kayli. She threatened that's she's wanted to cut a ton and that she often is "suicidal" but I'm like these bîtches don't even have a plan, all they know is that they are exhausted, and they don't have the balls to harm themselves. Chris was flipping open and closed his knife for a week after he got one from grandfather, and when he accidentally cut his hand because of my dad's clumsiness, he knows now that wow! It actually hurts! And he hasn't played with the knife since. Dumb àss. I hate those kinds of people. Even if they want help. It's stupid àf.
Sorry I have no chill 😂😅