Being asked to talk in a room full of people, being asked to do something in front of a lot of people, being forced to do something, not being able to say what I want...


Being asked to talk in a room full of people, being asked to do something in front of a lot of people, being forced to do something, not being able to say what I want...

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The first one is like almost a phobia for me... I start tearing up if I'm the slightest late its horrible...😓
(your comment) Yes! I don't like talking in front of a lot of people. I'm more of a shy, quiet person and I don't like being forced to speak. It bothers me and gives me horrible anxiety. Then people say they can't hear me, so that really adds on.
I'm glad I'm not alone
all of these including the comments are true for me. I'm a bit peculiar. you see, I can be on stage and not care about the fact that 800 people are staring at me but something about being in school, and at parties, and merely food shopping is the scariest thing ever
I made a mistake in front of my math class once and my face turned really red and I asked to go to the bathroom and I cried it was the worst
and sometimes I'll say something and think about it for the rest of the day and wonder is it sounded stupid then think it sounded then be really anxious around that person for kind of the rest of the week....
Same and what you said too. And having to write things and have others read it.
have you ever tried to impress someone but ғѧıʟ and you just feel like you did the most embarrassing thing in your life then you always feel awkward around that person? Yeah that has happened to me so many times 😂😁😅😭
yep. and it conveniently happens in front of my crush or someone like that.
ok though actually
it's not even funny
sitting in the front of the classroom