Read the comments❤️💛💚💙💜


Read the comments❤️💛💚💙💜

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Such a simple edit but so much meaning.About 2 months ago I met my idol and my everything, that moment meant so much to me guys you have no idea. When I was listing to the lyrics of the song "Like I'm Gonna Loose You" by Megan Trainor I realized how much it relates to the moment I met Bethany. The moment I was hugging her and that weird moment when we were looking at each other and our eyes met😭💕guys that feeling was the best, and I realize how lucky I am to met her and I take every chance I get to met her for granted cause guys I can die any second and so can Bethany so I keep that memoire of meeting her always in the back of my mind. Sometimes I just cry looking back on the pictures of me meeting her😭I wish I could go back to that moment but I can't and that's why I don't take that moment for granted😭💕So thanks for reading this and I hope you guys get the message out of this, don't take everything for granted, so get off your phone and go play with your friends or go spend time with your family cause your last day could be today