Collage by whoviangirly22


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dayyymn girl lookin fine af
haha thanks!!! sorry I had to make another account I got logged out 🙄😂
too bad you have a man
how old are you?
16 hbu
nice 15
16 in August
you’re really fü*king hot
aweee thank you. where do you live?
Utah hbu
what city?
and where do you go to school?
fr? I came on here to find hot single girls that live in Utah
sandy and Alta
what grade?
damnnnnn I wish you were single
what grade are you in? and what class?
ela hbu
what teacher?
honestly I don’t remember his name 😂😂😂 what teacher you got rn?
hahahaha okay. schino
oh I have no clue who that is 😂😂
what’s your phone number?
I don’t have one lol
oh sad
if I looked better I’d come meet up with you 😂
I just kinda rolled out of bed this morning
yeah my parents gave me a phone but I’m not allowed to have a number until I’m 18 🙄🙄
that’s dumb
don’t you have a man though?
yeah. but if him and I were to break up I could use a back up plan 😉
and we could at least be friends 🤷‍♀️ if you’re down with it
with benefits?
do you think I could kiss those sweet lips?
I really should’ve put In an effort into my look
is that a yes?
wait do you vape?
I smoke weed
do you?
but you don’t vape?
I do it just has weed in the juice
do you have plans for lunch?
and do you have a car?
yeah do you smoke weed?
I never have
yeah I have a car, nope no plans
you wanna?
cool maybe wanna hang?
I’m warning you tho I look so bad
can we at least kiss?
do you have a mod?
like with you
of course I do
can we make out?
are you sure? I look like shït
yeah and then maybe we can go in an empty parking lot and you can show me your body?
is that a yes?
I’m ugly AF
I’m sorry for wasting your time
you’re hot can you show me your body?
no baby girl don’t go
I’m really not hot
you’re sooo hot
I’ve gained a lot of weight 😬
I use to be better looking
that’s okay I like girls with a little fat
I don’t like super skinny girls
so yes?
sorry… maybe if we end up dating
why not?????
I’m ugly
trust me
no baby girl I wanna see that sexy body
and if you see it you’ll realize I am and not want anything to do with me anymore
oh baby girl I’ve seen you around school
I really am ugly tho
oh yeah and I wanna see what’s under that
no you hottt
I’m notttt
oh yeah you are I’m hard just thinking about it
I have too many scars…
ohhhh that’s hot
yeah I love scars there hot af
maybe once they heal some more
no baby it’s now or never
I doubt you will with the scars I have tho
I’m sorry but no
I think all scars are hot
okay can we just make out then?
I’ll be out behind the track shed during lunch. if you wanna see me then ig meet me there
is that a yes?
oh and we can make out?
I got put my phone away
baby girl why
gotta **
so if I can’t get back on, then ig I’ll see you there?
oh you’ll see me there
and we can “play”?
how’d you even find my other account?
and why are you so in love with me
I just came across it and I thought I had seen you in the halls
because you’re sooo hottt
I would bang the shït out of you tbh
daddy 🤤
I can’t wait to see you at lunch
I thought you had a boy toy already. cuz if not I want you 😁 if your bi I mean
cuz we could have some funnn
I can not wait to see you 💦💦
3 some?
I’m down
but where does she live
I have a double sided dilldo we can use if you guys wanna I got to go I will see u at lunch
oh okay. wait what lunch do you have?
cuz I have second
daddy come back
thanks for standing me up
sorry I have first my phone died my nïgga is letting me use his charger it’ll probably die again though
is this really whoviangirl22?
oh sadddd
makes sense tho. what lunch do you have tomorrow
yeah it is
my phones at 1
I’ll text you after work
and then maybe I’ll get some pics
awwww sad. I’m gonna miss you sooo muchhh!! where do you work?
okay. I was going to come visit you.
I work at dominos
is this really whoviangirl22?
I want to make sure so go on your other account and comment ur hot on one of my pics
I got to go now though bye baby girl I love you
awww 😭 okay bye baby
which dominos
and what time do you work
I need to know that this is the real whoviangirl22
I’m home now
yes it is
go on your other account and comment on any of my pics and say ur hot
you should block my bf so he can’t see ur page
what’ll you do for me?
and you still need to comment on my page and say ur hot
I’m having a lot of fun on his account thoug
do you wanna cape with me after school it has thc in it if that’s cool
if you wanna then meet me at the place we were gonna meet on Monday
I love you
okay pumpkin
promise me you will be there
oh I promise anyways I’ll see you there I got to go
I’ll see you there
I love you
okay. see you there 😁
wait do we have any classes together?