


43 11
^Okay sure! 😜
^Oh it's okay :3
Awwww. πŸ˜– Well, don't worry about your teacher. Just tell them that it was and accident and hopefully they'll understand. I guess to make friends you should just be yourself. It probably sounds really cliche but just talk to people and be yourself, unless you're super mean but I'm sure you're not. It's easier to make friends if you can find people who have similar interests so maybe you can take part in stuff like, maybe clubs in school if there are any? And maybe moving schools isn't always a bad thing 😜
kyle is just so perf 😭😭😭
@_kazoo_ Don't worry about it. It'll be okay. 😊
@-louderthansilence- Ikr!! πŸ˜­πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
:3 πŸ’–