(Since this account is co-owned, when asking us in the responses, please say who you are asking! TheGryffindorCompanion or


(Since this account is co-owned, when asking us in the responses, please say who you are asking! TheGryffindorCompanion or blank_canvas_?)

22 5
@TheGryffindorCompanion Drarry and TenJack
both of you- Clace, Sizzy, Malec, Jasper, Frazel?
Oh! And Hinny, Romione and Neuna?
I know that in the books Neville and Luna weren't together, but I like them together
I ship Solangelo and Percabeth! But I'm not COMPLETELY against Pernico. ❤️
I do not ship Drarry and TenJack! I ship Hinny and RoseTen. ☺️
I haven't read the Mortal Instruments yet, but I want to! I do ship Jasper and Frazel though!
I ship Hinny, Romione, and Nuna with all of my heart! ❤️
do you ship Percabeth, Fourtris, and Everlark?
RoseTen is awesome ✌🏻️
yeah some Solangelo shippers are like super hardcore and HATE Reynico, Pernico and all the other Percy ships, but I think that is really mean
Every ship deserves a chance 😇
I definitely ship Percabeth! Yes to Fourtris, not completely against Everlark.
i ship percabeth, clace, MALEC, sizzy, Jasper, caleo, frazel, pernico (yes, i have 2 ships with the same person), tessaxjem & tessaxwill, patch x nora, fourtris, and solangelo