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re:// that would be great! sorry for the late response, I haven't had wifi. but my family doesn't believe that I even HAVE panic and anxiety attacks so I can't see a doc to get diagnosed with gad
for the most part when my anxiety takes hold I stop talking or wanting to touch anyone and sometimes my paranoia makes me look around a lot. but the other like half of the normal is when I seem like I'm zoning out but no real physical symptoms outside that. it's only a few times I've had noticeable freak outs but they're all within the last like six months so I think I'm getting worse. when I get that, my chest hurts and it's hard to breathe. like, I'm getting ENOUGH air but I'm wheezing and I can hold myself up. though I usually stop shaking aside from my legs
ugh...... f-funny story about that...... we.... we're actually financially unable to have regular doctor's appointments in anyway..... and I've never seen a doc about mental health