Like for a rate and comment for a tbh


Like for a rate and comment for a tbh

7 0
awwww thank u
u make nooo senseπŸ˜‚...or I just don't understand things...
ooooooooh wait nm
what's tbh? and what do u mean by rate?
tbh is a saying like a "to be honest" and it is something to say something nice that u think about someone and a rate is like if ur nice and cool 1-10 rating that someone thinks u are
oh, ok πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹ thx (I'm commenting too) 😳
I already did them do u want me to do one for u
me toooo
(no comment)
I have no idea what is going on
sassysoutherngirl I got a new acc