Chatpage for me and coolsnowshoecat3


Chatpage for me and coolsnowshoecat3

13 0
thank u for doing this
u still feeling empty and sad?
hey, sorry
I'm stressed right now and have bad anxiety
Just talk to me
About whatđŸ˜«
can I join
anything u want
u can say anything
I will listen
I won’t laugh
yea sure Mariah
I have to get all my missing assignments in by the end of the week
I'm sick of lying, so... I'm just gonna say that I don't think I will make it to the end if the week
u have to
u will be able to
I believe in u
I am way too anxious and upset it's either that, or I feel utterly empty and dead inside, I dunno which is worse
u can’t kill urself
you just can’t
Just talk to me
I care about u
tell me why u want to kill yourself
the negative voices r back in my head. ugh. I don't even control them, they come with my depression and anxiety. I promise I'm not insane
I don’t think ur insane
tell me why u want to kill yourself
I hate myself, I'm stressed, I'm sick of life, and I feel far to much pain ever day to be able to handle it anymore. That's mostly why I want to kill myself. I'm talking about unbearable pain that makes your whole chest ache and hurt physically with the emotional pain. I'm serious, it's bad
Just calm down and push all that anxiety out
all the stress
just do it
I can't. Usually music helps my anxiety and stress a little. I've been listening to music al day and it has barely helped at all
keep listening to music then
And talk to me
I still am
do your friends at school know about this
okay, but can't get caught by parents. if I don't respond right away don't worry
do your friends at school know
only 2 of my best friends know. My sis can't know cause she'll tell my mom and I'll get sent away to a hospital. If I tell one of my friends she might freak out. If I tell the other she'll never understand
When u are feeling like this at school
yeah, I'm in a tough situation, cause my sis is also in our friend group
talk to the two bffs that u told
oh that’s tough
I do. But one of my friends... he is also very severely depressed. He has tried to kill himself in the past. he told me today that he likes me. He also likes my sis. I just wanna be friends.but it's not awkward so it's ok
I have a question
Whenever u are feeling really bad comment on one of my collages help
I won’t be here all the time though that’s why I told u to talk to ur friends
what’s ur question
okay, and how old r u? just wondering
I’m being honest
Oh, I am 16 as well, how cool
yea how cool
My birthday was early October
mine was late October
Haha, that's strange. Same month too, lol
weirdly strange lol
what state do u live in
Do you think that some people r not meant to live because they live in a world of so much pain that it's better if they r dead cause they are happier?
really random question
everyone deserves to live
even u
Why do u assume I live in a state?
especially u
I don’t know? do live in a state?
Yea😁 But I'm not gonna say cause I don't want people to know. Sorry
U can delete it after u show me
Yeah, but I don't wanna share that with anyone. That's the one thing I won't share with people. sorry
it’s ok I don’t rlly care just tell me if u live in Illinois or not real quick
I don't live in Illinois
ok enough of that
lol I sound like a stalker
bye I have to go eat dinner with my family. chat with ya after! thanks
is us talking hoping ur anxiety and stress?
just tell me when ur done with dinner
lol, I'm back
hey, what's up
can I join
because I have no one to talk to 😔
I am lonely 😔
hey guys
Mariah u here?
thanks you
can I call u Mariah?
yes you can called me anything