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*mlg airhorns*
That's not a comma in "your's", that's an apostrophe. No sentence should ever begin with "Because", that's a very important rule. Your grammar isn't perfect either.
at least spell practice right you little shìt
Lmaó y'all are wrong. Practise is correct. Practise is a verb. To practise. So if you're telling someone to practise something, it's practise. Practice is a noun. So say for example, you were saying "Hey I just got back from my violin practice !!!1!1" then that's correct. So in this context where practise is a VERB, practise is actually correct, you two^^ are wrong, and you should learn basic grammar before trying to correct someone else's. Thank you :)
:))))) I hate you all.
"Also, that comma in your's?" THAT'S NOT A COMMA. It's called an apostrophe. Take a few classes, it seems like you need them.
HAHAHAHA you tell FallOutPilots to practice being polite as if you don't need to. Don't tell them to be polite when you're not, either.