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well my ex boyfriend wanted me to meet up with me because he felt bad about how things ended
instead we got into a huge fight
and then he started getting physically violent
plz talk to me I am afraid I might do something stupid
aww I'm so srry 😢I think you should avoid him at all costs
do your parents know about this?
yea but that's not what I am afraid of
what are u afraid of?
I have a long history of being abused witch caused me to start drying and smoking and cutting I got put in the hospital I am afraid of myself how do I avoid that
are you there
don't do it! you are loved by God more than you know
but what about any body else
I have no real answer to that, but try praying to God to help.Talk to a trusted adult or a good friend
your a good person and your someone I wouldn't be able to know and be friends with if I killed my self and I want to know you and be friends so your righ I am not going or do it you said what I needed to hear thank you so much you are a hero you saved my life
that's up to them.But I do know that they are missing out on a wonderful person
can we be friends
don't let Satan win, you are a brave person.I know you can overcome this ❤️
of course! I am always here for you
thank you so much
your welcome❤️ but talking to a trusted adult might be better,just keep that in mind
it has been very hard for me I haven't been able to see my bio dad for awhile I can't see him he hurt me and now I have a restaning purser against him I will never be able to get over the things that he did to me things that no father should do to there daughter ever but people like you and friends like you can make me see that I can still be happy
oh I'm so so srry......I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must be......
"no matter what bad happens in the world,God will be there to hold your hand."
yea but it's people like you who help
how about we get to know each other
so we can be friends and I can explain everything
you don't have to talk about if u don't want to
no I. do
but let's get to know each other
anyway, hi! I obsess over superheroes,books,and movies.Im a full on tomboy
but I am going to leave to go out to eat with my grandparents and I will get back to wifi as. soon as I can it will be in Kiel 20 minutes