(Tap here!!!)

Just broke up with my boyfriend 😭 He called me insane and a whacko so yeah. I'M PREPARED FOR CLASS BUT I FORGOT THE GLUE TO FIX MY HEART. I'll need everyone's support


(Tap here!!!) Just broke up with my boyfriend 😭 He called me insane and a whacko so yeah. I'M PREPARED FOR CLASS BUT I FORGOT THE GLUE TO FIX MY HEART. I'll need everyone's support

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Darling, don't let one little breakup bring you down. Stuff like this will happen. It's just life. You're too good for a fool like him, anyway.
I'm so so sorry for you. I hope you get love.💗
girl..........u r WAY out of his league anyway
*huggles* You deserved better than him. Don't let him get u down. Sometimes being a single pringle is better than being taken cuz u have more freedom to do what u want