Follow my friends: petey02 and just_your_avg_panda.


Follow my friends: petey02 and just_your_avg_panda.

1 0
I'm sorry I haven't been able to chat. I don't have internet. I am at my grandmas house, which has internet.
I am 9.
My great grandpa died 5 days ago. We were at his visitation.
It's okay. I barely knew him.
Fave book?
I'm in 4th grade. You?
yo. need to read different books, I've found better books that Divergent
Wow! 7th grade?
oh there's so many
jeez girl..I told you my crush...and I don't kiss
Thank you for this post! I love it!
I am in math class right now.
...Kay, not judging...
it's Friday! go do something fun!
Hi 👋! whatcha doin?
aw do you wanna talk?
Hi! What's up?
is something wrong?
yea same
did you get over Watch?
alright if you wanna talk about it I'm open