I'm not dead guys


I'm not dead guys

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OH MY GOSH UR ALIVEEEE๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
omg I was so scared๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜ญ
awwwwww thanks๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘‘
Whyyy did you do that ๐Ÿ˜…
that was really a jerk move. people die EVERY SINGLE DAY and your here pretending like its no big deal you make people upset and cry then your like "oh no I'm fine it was just a joke" well guess what death is not funny and it will NEVER be funny. That was really disgusting and sorry if I sound rude but cmon that was a really dumb idea. And sure you wanted to see if people care about you so making them cry is no big deal. millions MILLIONS for gods sake BILLIONS die every single day and you think you have the right to make a joke about it to PRETEND YOUR DEAD!! Disgrace. Why do you do this?? it is not okay to joke about death. you know what happens when people die, Freda?? They leave and it brings everyone sadness. Are you trying to bring everyone sadness them laugh at it like its no big deal. Mean. and maybe I'm gunna get hate for saying this, but someone has to stick up for the suffering and it's gunna me.
Freda. I actually thought you died...
don't do that! omg Freda u don't know how many ppl who were worried about you.
yeah I shouldn't have but I did so what's everyone's issue I'll delete the tricking collage
ok and Ella I'm not a toddler I know what death is
I do know how many people were worried I was so touched when people commented sometimes it's nice to feel loved
really your not?? because a mature person wouldn't fake their own death. Remember when Lexie did that remember how we all cried for days and you think it's fine to put people through that. Caleb just died and he was an amazing person and he was so so young and you decide to play a prank and pretend your dead THAT IS LIKE MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE PASSED. you owe and apology to me, anyone you tricked and the passed.
is it nice knowing you hurt people?? is it nice knowing you made a bunch of people cry?? that's sick. death is a delicate topic don't you ever EVER try and make fun of it.
and that is a part of the reason your not in VIP.
kitty I'm not mature, I'm 11 I don't have to think about things, I'm not ready to grow up...can't you appreciate that
nice and awesome!! I still don't get how people get these fonts
I'm also 11