Collage by _The_Selection_


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Indi had her hair in a fancy greek braid as she walked on in with a short dress. She had to use makeup to cover her scars however...
Princess Brooke sits in a chair next to her Brother she waves sweetly and Prince Micheal smiles. “Welcome.”
Indi looked up, “Thank you,” she smiled. She fiddled around around with her necklace and marveled at the castle- it seemed like something straight out of a movie, but real!
Nicholas waves Indi goodbye and looks over at Brooke.
Indi looked around, “This reminds me of Fallen,” she said. Fallen was the first movie where she acted and did her own stunts. She hoped to have more roles like that, but mostly she was just a stunt double. She smoothed out her dress which complimented her tan complexion. She curtsied back to Nicholas as he waved to her as she continued to marvel about the castle.
Nicholas smiles. “Where are you from?”
Indi’s eyes met his, “I’ve moved around a lot, but I’m in Clermont for now,” she responded softly.
“Nice. Clermont is a beautiful province.” Nicholas says. “What’s your Name?”
“I’m Indiana, Indiana Weste,” she smiled softly, “But you can call me Indi if that’s alright,” she replied. She hoped that her nickname wasn’t to informal. There was also a tiny sliver of hope that he would know who she was, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. She couldn’t let her dreams of being household actress who did her own stunts get to her.
Nicholas reads Indie’s expression. “Everything Okay?”
Brooke smiles finally realizing who she was. “My god! Your like one of my favorite stunt doubles!”
“Yeah, I’ve just been busy and a lot’s been on my mind...” she said, “But thank you for asking,” she smiled. She then turned around to Brooke, “Really? You know who I am?!” she asked, shocked and happy.
Nicholas nods. Brooke smiles. “Yeah your in Basically all of my favorite movies! I would love to be a stunt actress! But it would never work out especially since I’m supposed to get married off to the New Asian prince.” Brooke sighs.
Indiana smiled, but the smile slowly turned into a perplexed face, “I’m sorry about that...” she said politely to the princess, “But! I do have an upcoming movie. I’m sure the producers would love to have the Princess make a cameo and kick some b utt,” she laughed, before realizing that was unprofessional and that Nicholas was around, “I mean, if that’s alright with your family of course,” she replied.
“That would be...Lovely!” Brooke smiles. “So Tell is a little about yourself.” Nicholas says.
Indi smiled at Brooke, “I’m sure everyone will be excited to have you on set,” she said before turning to Nicholas, “Well, I never had the best childhood...” Indi started. She shuttered a bit thinking about it, “My mom and dad divorced when I was very young and I went to live with my mother and her husband.” she gulped when thinking about the next part. She still had PTSD of it...she skipped that part and moved on, “And unfortunately my mom passed on and my step father lost custody of me. I then went and moved in with my father and his wife and I started my career,” she beamed, “So, do you mind telling me a bit about yourself?” she asked
“Oh.” Nicholas pauses and than throws a smile back on his face. “Well I enjoy painting I’m well a prince I have a twin and younger sister...And yeah I have a pretty boring life..” Nicholas shrugs.
Indiana was obviously confused, “What do you mean boring life?” she asked, “You live here in the gorgeous castle,” she smiled, but then it slowly receded. Sometimes the most prettiest things held darker secrets then you could ever imagine
“Being a prince isn’t as glamorous as it seems there is loads of paper work and everything is so stressful. But there are upsides like meals are amazing and my room is awesome but it’s hard to enjoy luxury when people are suffering outside of the castle walls..” Nicholas says speaking truthfully about his feelings.
Nicholas thinks for a second about to reveal something but stays quiet after finishing his “speech”
“That’s understandable and somewhat relatable...” Indi nodded and sighed softly, “I wished there was someway we could help those people...” she said, suddenly remembering something from her past. She seemed calm, but a look of fear slowly crept into her eyes
“You Okay?” Nicholas checked seeing the fear build up in her eyes.
“Memories,” she replied softly. She didn’t like to talk about her past...especially in front of the Prince. If she had a mental breakdown right here, she could be going home.
“Oh...” he sighs. “Memories can be..Well tough.”
Indi nodded. She then realized something she didn’t realize before, it looked as the prince had something to say. “Well, are you okay?” she suddenly asked
Nicholas nods reassuringly. “Yeah...memories too I guess”
Indi nodded, “So...any hobbies?” she didn’t want to build their relationship off of depressing topics and she wanted to get her mind off the memories..
“Well I paint I love horse back riding and swimming. What about you?” Nicholas smiles.
“Well, I’ve picked up a lot of things being a stunt double such as Aerial Silks, Archery, And Martial Arts, but I especially love Horseback Riding, Parkour, And Acrobatics. Outside of skills I learned from being a stunt double, I really like playing piano and sometimes singing,” she said
“Woah That’s a lot.” Nicholas says.
“Well, I’ve picked it up over the years, it’s not like I’m an extreme expert at all of this,” she laughed lightly.
Nicholas glances at his watch. “I’m so sorry Lady Indie but I’m on a tight schedule I have a couple meetings to attend to. Goodbye and have a great rest of your day.” Nicholas smiles and walks out and Brooke follows him out.
Indiana curtsied slightly, “Thank you for speaking to me and hopefully I’ll see you soon,” she said as she headed off