This girl here is being r ally m an to helps off people and we don't even know her plz make u stop


This girl here is being r ally m an to helps off people and we don't even know her plz make u stop

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don't try and be sarcastic u not being very nice and it's funny how 5 people I know on here u are being mean to go do something else with ur life
that's right. I'm sorry caddi, this all started because she was targeting me :( now she is hurtin you and others :( I'm so sorry
I know it's ok now she is being racist towards me
oh no what happened?
I saw the comments... she's so mean :(
I know thx for the comment u commented ur really nice
Just ignore here. She is just a hater HATERS BACK OFF
thx I will ignore
sorry guys for all of this that rude person commented on my drawings and you guys helped me and now she is being rude for you I'm so sorry
it's not yr fault :)
omg that's so mean
that's so mean you know I have feelings I have reported you
oooooooh! feel the burn F0CUS!!!!
look on my page Caddi_Cuthbert!
yeah look at my other post of what she said