Carson or johnny?πŸ˜½πŸ’ž


Carson or johnny?πŸ˜½πŸ’ž

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sorry Hunter!!!!
I just can't!!😭😭😭
actually I prefer Hunter... but in Johnny and Carson I préfère Carson
No problem little cutie! Can we be BFF?
me too!!
Of course!!πŸ’—πŸ’—
then what will you do?
I don't know who to date !! I like Carson and Johnny😍
thank you!! I love you Sierra! ( as friend actually πŸ™ƒ )
oh ok😬
aww cute Hunter!!
Gracie who should I date??? πŸ’—
Sierra... for me, I don't like Johnny! he chilling on you! he was make you cry and we don't accept it
so Carson??
for me Carson
ok hunter what about me??
why do you like Johnny like that Sierra?
I don't even know
thanks Gracie!
what do you mean Sierra?
ok guys make Carson go his account πŸ’—
why you tell me : what about me Hunter?
im here
hi about what do you wanna talk Sierra?
oh everyone thinks me and you should be back together and now I don't like Hunter😘
Sierra you was try to dating an other boy! and you think I wanna come to you like that?! Yes I love you but you make my heart broke
I'm sorry!😭
but then Gracie changed my mind when she told me all these lovely things about you!!!πŸ’ž
I hope you sorry about what you do! you try to chilling on me!
so what do you think I will do?
your gonna break up with me now!!! fine ok bye Carson 😭😭😭😭
what lovely thing? like what?
what is she told you about me?
I was just defending hunter bc Jacob was being rude and you should I have came her as soon as possible
I'm not gonna tell you bc you like my sister now!!!
well she wasn't right about me
I know your very mean
that's what I hate about you!!!
I'm not mean baby! I just tell the truth! I was wanna be the perfect boyfriend but you wasn't the perfect girlfriend I'm sorry
and I don't love your sister ok?
but you don't treat me like a princess I had to go through all the struggle with Hunter and Jacob how do you think I felt?? I felt heartbroken
you felt heartbroken? πŸ˜‚ but two boys were going to take you on their hands!
that's bc you wasn't there for me!!!
I was working hard to bought you so present for your birthday!
my birthday is ALL THE WAY in November that's winter and it's summer now
I know! but if I want to best present I need to work hard to bought you something amazing
but now you don't deserve it then I will send this present for my next girlfriend... If I will have it
how sweet!
you next girlfriend???!!!!!
man you really don't love me
but now you willn't have it Sierra I'm so sorry about it
I love you!!!!! but we can't be a couple any more Sierra! you was so bad to me
I'm sorry ok?? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I'll do anything to be your girlfriend again pls give me one more chance πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’—
like what you do to Matthew when you was dating him
we just post pictures with each other
my heart want says yes but my head says no and my head control my life
what do I need to do to make you more special??😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
you can't!! and... I post something in the comment of your sis account in her last pic
go die I hate you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you don't want I be happy again without you?
you called my sisters legs sexy!!!
I'm crying😭😭😭😭
not just her legs like a body is super sexy too!
and her lips!!😍😍
you like Gracie just say it
yes I like her as*
when I see her I just want take her body and make it on mine and kiss her everywhere
leave me alone!!! Go Die pls you deserve to die
no! remember that you chilling on me
kill yourself
you don't find your sis super sexy and excited?
I not chilling on you bc I not you girlfriend
no I don't I'm not lesbian
no I never say it I say that she's super sexy and pretty!
no Girl need makeup to makeup a pretty girl without you
I hate you right now
I don't really care
ok Carson let's here now!! ok? Sierra is pretty and really amazing! she wasn't chilling on you she was just need attention! go away and never come back hater!