Creds: fashion-5ever


Creds: fashion-5ever

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Cool, I like Coldplay too, I love Adventure of a Lifetime and me gustan las papas fritas también
I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm taking a Spanish class at school and we just learned some foods
Let's just say I barely speak Spanish 😂 do you?
Me encanta la ensalada de frutas
yes I do
a mi tambien!
¿Porque es dulce?
que cosa?
I don't know what that means yet 😂
Oh, la piña y las fresas
¿Y tú?
a mi me gustan las frutillas 😂 o tambien el durazno
You must live somewhere else besides Mexico cause we practice the Mexican Spanish and we say fresas instead of frutillas
But sometimes we do the Spanish from Spain
Like vosotros, but I like ustedes more cause I don't have to use the accent when I conjugate it
😂😂😂 yes, its easier