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what does that mean????
I never said that you should go in a hole and die, I never said that
yes! Wait no A girl named I_draw_ship_pictures said that. she's on your STUPID SIDE THO
sorry to say this but your dumb and stupid to call smilebright everyday that shes amazing nace helpful and makes the greatest collages comparing to u and also u are a bully
that hurt my feelings you said that I'm dumb and stupid and u hate my collages
I never said you were dumb and stupid, I said you were an idiot and I know that hurts your feeling but when you said I was stupid and dumb it also hurt my feelings. and I apologized and asked if we could be friends and you said no and said you hated me, so I think we're on the same page
your being so rude
SO WERE YOU!!!!!!!! but the only difference is you started it, I don't get why you are still mad, I forgave you and said sorry, but yet you hate me. what do you want from me? what do you want me to say? what do you want me to do to make you happy?
I Hate you
fine, I'm trying to be friends with you but you won't just let it go, even though you started it
but can't u stop I never liked you
but why?? you just met me this morning
no I've seen you before
you had a different icon
yeah, because of someone gave me a Icon, but why do you hate me?
you just hate me, but have no reason why
yeah you are dumb and stupid
oh wow thanks, I am so glad that my bf said fûck you to you. because you are so immature, I don't get why you are hating on me for no reason. All I wanted is for us to be friends. Hate me all you want I'm done arguing with a 5 year old that can't stand the word fûck u, wow, I guess I just got my first hater. Thanks for the mean comments. I let it go but you can't, jeez grow up, I don't get why you hate me, I did nothing wrong, when you have an explanation of why you hate me let me now. peace
wow your rude
...... when you have an explanation of why you hate me, let me now. Also grow up!!!!
I hate you
I used to be KittyLike87
ummm cool, I don't care that you changed your name, all I want is for you to tell me why you hate me?
your so rude
thanks you, and you act like a freaking 5 year old. you don't know what's going on in the real life, everything is all about you, have you ever taught about someone else's feeling and how what you do effect other? I don't think so, I've been bullied and. the myself 75% of the time, oh yeah I forgot I was talking to a 5 year old, let me dumb it down for you, I cut myself almost every week
really that's stupid
sure!! okay, it's only because you don't care about others
I do too care about others but you don't
yes I do!! I care about other, when you said that no one cares about me, I said I cared and then you replied saying I hate you
well your being a big fat liar
but I'm not though, I asked to be your friend you said no because you hate me and I asked why and you just said you hate me. i care, ask all my followers and they would say I do
yes, I did say I said I liked you on the collage you made that said no one likes me
can you just stop plz I have a hard life
so have I!!!!!!!!
not as much as I have
well you don't know that
ummmm yes I do
how? my life could be worst
Your Mean Tho
I'm trying to be nice, all I want is to be your friend and if you don't want that then fine.