Collage by HeyThereItsAster


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That's amazing😍Is this from Hamilton?
hey are you ok? you haven't been on for while (it's fine if you just aren't in the mood or anything, I'm just worried something happened)
Okay look I know people are bullying you at school. (I attend the same school as you) and I just wanna say... SCREW THEM, who needs society's opinion? You go on being whoever you are, whoever you wanna be. I believe in you.
(I'm also a huge PHAN ^w^)
okay so tell me when you're on because I usually keep myself a secret to try and avoid the bullies
I don't. I wish to.
I'm in the same grade as you. Don't worry I'm not a crazy person.
I'm in Florida and not at school atm tho so lol
yeah. that's me. I'll be back on Monday :P I swear I'm not some physcho (can't spell ._.)
its always been dead boo boo
^ he be a mofô
I literally just listened to that song
hey aster. you doing alright? just checking to make sure you're okay.