Don't you hate it when people correct you because 1. Pointing out that the persons spelling is wrong doesn't make you smart 2. It just shows your trying to find something to fight about ✌️


Don't you hate it when people correct you because 1. Pointing out that the persons spelling is wrong doesn't make you smart 2. It just shows your trying to find something to fight about ✌️

16 0
yeah when people do that I wanna punch them in the face lol
Having a comment battle with Fandom_Dancer....😑
Also thank u for the spam of likes! I'll make sure to give u a shoutout!
arigato. and lol I was having a comment battle with Fandom_Dancer too lol
Arigato for reporting Fandom_dancer! I've got to be honest I didn't even know u could do that!
yah I just slid over one of the comments and it said ! and that means you can report someone so hopefully she will leave us alone 🌸_🌸
Yay!! ^-^