Fact # 1 inspired by 1igloo8 to do facts about myself


Fact # 1 inspired by 1igloo8 to do facts about myself

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thanks for the cred!😊sorry about your parents, my dad is 74 and is never, ever home and my mom will just leave without warning sometimes, so I kinda get you😁
yeah sometimes it's really hard. I have friends and online friends that I can always talk to. 🤗 I'm with my dad and my step mom every other week and my mom and step dad every other week
So are mine how long have they been divorced
mine have been divorced since I was 5 and my sister was 3 I meet my step mom when I was 7 and my mom isn't married yet
they've been divorced since I was 5 and my brother 4
I met my step mom when I was 10 and my step dad when I was 7