Chat anyone?


Chat anyone?

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yep! I'll talk to an Avery
HOI it's Annabeth! 🐾
^ hoi!! if I could strangle you I would
.... Um, why? 😱
^ wat did ur sister ever do to you?
Nothing! 🙂 I have no idea " wat " ur talking 'bout. ❤️
^ *pïssed* ur sister said that you have been really rude to her and she has no idea why
Ok... I do. She's been getting a lot of attention, and when I'm sad, I don't have any friends or anyone to help me feel better. 😭 I was not abused like her, but I was very close to our mother, who was just found from her kidnap. It was hard growing up without a parent to trust, and your mother gone..😰
^ i know, I'm sorry..u don't deserve any of that! everyone wants attention, ur new to the took me ages to find all of my friends... it's not easy, also try and make friend
s, but you shouldn't take it out on ur sister!!!!!! that's so wrong!
I know I shouldn't, but her Beatles music is annoying, wha? Off topic. Anyway, she doesn't love me anymore.
^ how do u know that? she is your sister! if u don't like her music then u don't have to listen to it
She's never hugs me, and avoids me...
^ does she really need to hug u before you know that she is ur sister and that SHE LOVES YOU!
How do you know? * cries in Jamie's pillow *
I just want a sister again! * cries harder *
^ but you do have a sister....cause since I've been talking her she has been talking about you
*rubs ur back*
... MEH PILLOW!!!! ~ Jamie
What she say?
^ she's just been talking about you and how she doesn't know what she did
That's makes sense.
Annabeth! * hugs chu * ~ Jamie
^ *looks at you too* she does love you even if she doesn't tell u that
* starts to cry *
* snuggles my head in your chest * ~ Jamie
^ *smiles* I'm a miracle worker *says to self*
Jamie... I didn't mean...
That doesn't matter now. ~ Jamie
*starts to tear up* it's so beautiful
* looks at Annie * Thank you.
* hugs Annabeth tightly * ~ Jamie
no need to thank me! I do this for free *smiles*
Annie, you were never useless. you must live. * hugs you * This is what you give to people. Joy. Forgiveness. Love.
* jumps on Annabeth back * remember this?! * laughs *
*smiles* I'll try
* looks at Jamie * Take it easy! I'm only 15! you're 18!
*burst out into laughter* u two is like me and my twin
Jules? ~ Jamie
* punches ur shoulder gently and playfully * What's wrong?
nothing! *smiles* im just alway like this
* hugs *
*hugs you back*