Simple edit (*^^*) I'm not going to be active on PC for awhile~ Finals are next week and being the typical Asian I am, I'm going to study all day every day like a boss!


Simple edit (*^^*) I'm not going to be active on PC for awhile~ Finals are next week and being the typical Asian I am, I'm going to study all day every day like a boss!

26 0
Love it βœ¨πŸ’• your edits are so gooood (>~<)
I LOVE YOUR ACOUNT! It's so amazing and your edits are perfect😱❀️
Thank you so much! I appreciate it (*^^*) To be honest, both of your accounts is just so dapper than mine XD You have them magic hands X3
Both of my accounts? I only have one account
Oh, I was referring to Mellow-chan as we'll ^^ Sorry for the confusion!
Oh. Lol. Okay. Your account is perfect! Don't forget that
You too! It's perfect to the max *\(^o^)/* I hope we can be friends Maniac-san (if that's okay with you ) :3
how cute I Really like your collages are very great I congratulate πŸ‘πŸ™‚β˜†*:.q. o(≧▽≦)o .q.:*β˜†
Hehe~ ^///^ Geez you're making me blush! Thank you for checking out my account senpai ( ^Ο‰^ ) You need to teach me your secret technique one day with your flawless edits ^u^
@BakiYumi Yeah we can be friends!
Yay~ o(^β–½^)o THE POWAH OF FRIENDSHIP! lol XD You're really nice Maniac-san!
Thanks! Can I call you Baki-Chan? or Yumi-Chan?
Whatever you feel comfortable with X3
Wow ... you call this simple? It's beautiful!