This morning


This morning

21 0
haha that is my hoe
Yea I am! -Alaska
that is funny
He was so unhappy
yeah I can tell
He threw an egg at me but missed
haha he was mad at you lol
Yea he was
Meh big bro forgave me
that is good
hug him
I will when I get home
oh you at school lol
Yea, he should be heading to work soon
oh nice
so we can talk still yay
I'm in ISS all day πŸ˜ͺ
In classes all day😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
my is worst then yours
I wanted to skip today, but couldn't, I have a test in math
how sad
Yes it is
I know I felt that way too girl
I don't wanna take a test😭😭😭😭😭😭
when do you have her/him
Last hour, but today we have a study for half an hour after that
I hate this teacher!
haha that is funny
Ugh I wanted to smack him
haha what time does Mason get out of work?
Like Four
oh where does he work at?
I'm so hungry right now
I'm at lunch
lucky you
And poor you
I feel bad for, I ain't eating
lol I want Mason and food
I am not eating, don't tell Mason, he freaks out when I don't eat
why you not eating
Cuz I don't know, I'm just not hungry ever
well you need to eat
I don't want to though and every time I don't eat Mason makes meπŸ˜‘
please for me
hey my homie
I didn't eat, sorry I was in gym
oh you need to eat
I don't want to
girl you need to eat
But why
because you need food in your body
I ate breakfast cuz Mason made me.
good you need to eat three time a day
I ate once today
you need to eat dinner or snacks
I don't want to though and no one can make me
I'm not going to force you anymore
I'm sorry for being bΓ­tchy, I just don't wanna eat
I know I did that before then I got really sick
Mason won't let me get that bad
yeah I know because he loves you so much
Yea, I hope he doesn't make me eat supper
you need to
I will tell Mason
No! No!
you need to eat
ok I'm done
I'm sorry, I'm just not hungry
I know it is ok
Tell Mason if you want
no it is ok
so whatsup
Nothing, just in study
It sucks
I know
Ugh litarlly me 'We must do our work' 'But we no want to' 'But we must'
I know right
you talking to yourself
you are
Yesssssssssss me is
lol you so funny
Some man made a mistake!
like what
He touched us!
omg slap him
I did. Teacher was unhappy with us.
We didn't get in trouble thankfully
that is good
Yes it is good
Us naughty
lol I had to go sorry talk to you at 8:30
bye hoe
Bye Hoe!
haha ok