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how u doin
good no 😴 tonight just saw a spider and Thea bug was touching me
hey and it's ok
lol 😂 and good in. reading now
hi it's me chella you okay
no problem
your really pretty
good I'm enjoying my birthday I had a car for my sweet sixteen and I had a necklace and flowers off mark and I went out with the girls and now I'm on my way back from a family meal
thank you
I know it's not you your the one in your pp
wait I also had a Pandora ring off my stepdad Ellis
yeah it is but my brothers fionce Kelsey is missing out because she's in the uk at a funeral and she couldn't make it to my 16 th birthday
and I'm really upset about it because we're really close
and she doesn't come home until tomorrow morning at 6
you there
it's okay
so wyd
ow cool I'm home now I've put my pjs on and I'm sitting on my bed waiting for mark to text me
so what you doing now
laying on my bed with mark next to me mucking about
your very pretty