• That was exhausting😆(TAP)•
I was on vacation for one day. I went across island to visit my friends who moved away after school finished. It was soo fun. 😂😆 But I gained 4 pounds from eating McDonalds and skipping my workout.😭😐😩


• That was exhausting😆(TAP)• I was on vacation for one day. I went across island to visit my friends who moved away after school finished. It was soo fun. 😂😆 But I gained 4 pounds from eating McDonalds and skipping my workout.😭😐😩

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is this MyLifeAsEva I love her YouTube videos
Hey☺️Sorry about advertising on your page,but we were wondering if you would like to come check out our new account? By "we" we mean us not so perfect teens😂If you are interested in joining us just remix us your bio and we will see if you are just as awesome as us😂💦Just kidding but yeah come and have a looky❤️lots of love Not-so-perfect-teens😊🌌
this is probably a really stupid question but ,are you actually Eva from my life as Eva on YouTube