this isn't meant to be an attack on anyone, it's simply my opinion, and you can refute it all you want, but please don't get defensive and attack me🐚


this isn't meant to be an attack on anyone, it's simply my opinion, and you can refute it all you want, but please don't get defensive and attack me🐚

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thank you for putting your opinions into words, it's very brave of you to do, especially on a social media platform where anyone can see it.
^yeah thanks but... I'm still waiting for some people to get angry at me for typing this out :\\\ it's my personal thoughts though🌷
how does one love oneself without a reason? one doesn't. it takes others to shine a light on one's talents and qualities within themselves and their art. I am NOT fùcking supporting art shaming, as you and five other people are insinuating. I'm telling people to stop identifying the wrong (i.e. bringing art down) and instead, doing the right (i.e. uplifting other artists and appreciating their work instead of slamming them for 'fishing for compliments') I don't care if you guys paint me as some outspoken idiot but at least I know what my opinion is and am willing to express it on my page. 'This is wrong'?? um??? this is my opinion??? and you have yours??? so respect mine, and I'll respect yours??? don't tell me my opinion is wrong; that's the shallowest way to win an argument or get a point across.
I just want to say though, self love can begin with you. for ex., I made my first nest of pillows last week. I felt like I did a good job and loved myself for making something that made me feel better. Same goes for my art. I don't like to bring it up much, but my parents did not notice that art is my thing until 2 months ago. I barely showed my friend only because I just didn't see a point. I did art for so long because I loved doing it, and was proud of myself whenever I created something I liked. so too sum it all up, yes love from others can increase self-love, but self-love can come from a person all by theirself.
Hey, I don't care if you have an opinion. Just don't say mine's 'wrong'. You might disagree with my opinion, but that doesn't make it wrong. That's like telling someone that having blue as their favorite color is wrong, just because pink's your favorite. And Cherry, of all the people, I'm surprised it's you looking down at me, trying to make me feel inferior. "oh and rant about art when you know more about it" well you wanna know what? Advocate uplifting artists when YOU know more about it
I never said that, I just said self love can come from one self and it can also come from different people •-•
I'm going to block you, please no that I don't have anything against you as a person, but this whole thing is taking a lot out of me, and I just lost a family friend and I feel like this is putting to much strain on my emotional health, so sorry, but I don't want to deal with this anymore :/
oh um??? okay then. I can't stop you but,,, alrighty. That kinda s(tings)ucks but er
Alright, I see your point, but that's not really what some people are getting shïtty over;;;
I know, art takes skill and a hélla lot of time. But there's not that many people shaming others for fishing for compliments on their art. It's mostly just people posting pictures of themselves, and even though they're fûçking gorgeous, they say they're the ugliest person ever, and they hate how they look.
That's when their followers start to judge them.
I'm not saying that this was not worth your time or whatever, I'm just pointing something out))
Uh that was really off topic and not what I was insinuating;;
My point was, instead of shaming those who ARE fishing for compliments, give them the attention they're clearly needing. What I'm saying doesn't extend to fake depression??? Or posting pictures of themselves for attention??? so