Collage by thicktities


1 7
dxmn you look really good for 35 weeks pregnant
i’ll head over okay?
sorry i’ve been gone :( i’m here now if you wanna hang
oh good. i was worried i might have missed it *knocks on your door* i’m here by the way
*walks in and smiles* hey
yeah i got you
how are ya? *smiles looking down at your bump*
fxckk you hahha why did you think i’d be ugly?
*laughs and nods* you wanna chill and watch a movie or something?
okay haha
up to you. i’m down for whatever *laughs*
yeah take your time
lead the way *smiles nodding and follows you*
*walks behind you to your room*
*goes over and lays down on your bed smiling at you* what should we watch?
*nods and grabs the remote holding my arm out for you to lay down with me*
*turns on the tv and gently rubs your lower back*
*watches the tv as i continue to rub your back smiling* are you still trying to keep baby in?
*laughs and nods* let me know and i can be there for you
well the offer is there if you want help *smiles and watches you*
*nods and smiles* all good, i want to help
whatever you want *smiles watching you* you don’t owe me anything though
*laughs gently and rubs your waist* i think i can handle it
*laughs and watches*
*yawns and holds you close as i watch*
*nods and smiles* a little
*leans my head on you and nods closing my eyes*
*reaches around and holds your belly as i keep my eyes closed*
*slowly starts to fall asleep*
*holds your belly and sleeps*
*sleeps soundly*
*wakes up after a little*
*slowly sits up and stretches smiling at you*
*leans forward and gently kisses your lips*
*smiles and kisses your lips softly*
*laughs gently and pulls away* i don’t wanna start something. if we kiss i’m gonna want more
*laughs and gently kisses your lips again as i rub your waist*
*kisses you a bit deeper and moves my hand into your shorts*
*whispers in your ear as i rub you gently* mm i want you so bad
*bites my lip as i watch you and slowly slides two fingers inside you^
*reaches around and unclips your bra taking it off while pumping my two fingers in and out*
*watches you smirking*
*nods pushing your txts together* let me
*pushes my dxck in between them and slowly pushes in and out*
*pushes in and out a bit faster* mm i wanna sxck on these all day
*smirks and continues thrusting as i moan lightly*