chat page for me and CJRoss


chat page for me and CJRoss

10 2
hey CJRoss
what about you im guessing America not me im in Australia so ya
really awesome!!!!
so sorry be back in 10 minutes have to have dinner
hi u still the im back
no the time for me is 6:50 here right now that's strange
tomorrow is my last day of school so ya and yeah about the collab what should our theme be ?
I think we should definitely have a quotes and the theme could maybe either be winter as it is now or rose gold as I love it or maybe even Tumblr type
just some ideas but in dont really mind what do you think ?
can u please post it on one of your pages so I can edit it cause if I go into the remixes on it it takes me to the chat page collage so ya sorry but then when im finished we can delete it and put the good copy on both our pages.
sure tysm❤️
just finished it and saved them both to my photos so you can delete it on your page if you want .
cool me to